TP came into the office, he’d had a rough morning, at least it seemed that way to me: he went first to visit his friend in the men’s shelter, which is naturally located out of town where no-one can walk into the centre without tremendous effort and even buying groceries is problem as they don’t have cars. TP bought his friend a bus-pass, which will enable him to get around; a really nice gesture I thought. Then he paid a visit to the bail bondsman. From there to the pawn shop to get his gun back from hock, then back to the Burroughs Compound. He seemed cheerful about it and brought me a black Ace Bail Bonds t-shirt as a present from Kansas. Last night the local Indian college had a pow-wow but though the drums could be heard in the distance, by the time we drove over everyone had gone home. It had rained earlier so that may have put an end to the ceremonies.
Counter-culture Books
Beat Generation Books
Rock ‘n’ Roll Books